Nike iD + KITH / Baron Von Fancy


Artist Alignment.

Gordon Stevenson, professionally known as Baron Von Fancy, adds artistic flare to clever phrases. His phrases stand out because they are witty but they are also hard to miss. They are plastered everywhere across the city of New York and when you see one it's hard to deny who wrote it. So when Nike and KITH needed an artist to run their customization bar it was only natural that they secure his help— turning simple phrases into personal messages.


City Influence.

New York City is a huge inspiration for Baron. Growing up in the city has lent its hand to experiences and insights otherwise hard to image in other places. Throughout this project Baron let his personality reshape even the most well-known corporate mottos.


Creative Reinterpretation.

“Just Do It” “Just Us” “Just Right” were the three phrases clearly displayed at the customization bar, where patrons were allowed to order limited-edition gold tee designs from Baron himself. The format allowed customers a quick glance at how any phrase, even ones not needing to be changed could in fact be reimagined or rewritten.